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Fun Day with Friends

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A day out with friends at the beach, seeing each other have sexy fun in July 2017

Tony and Zoe (names changed) picked up Jon first and then me, they had to collect a rug and a coffee maker from near Hastings and had asked Jon if he and me wanted to go with them and have a day at the beach. They had all gone to the same college and Jon had known Tony since secondary school. We had to set off early as the people wanted the things collected about 9am so as not to be tied up all day but that suited us fine. I had met Tony a couple of times a few years ago when Jon and I were going out together but I didn't know Zoe and Jon had told me that they had been together for about 8 months this time and had previously dated for over a year but had split up for a few months.  She seemed really nice and friendly and Tony was laid back like Jon which made it easy to have a laugh as we drove towards the coast. After about an hour we realized that we had plenty of time and pulled into a McDonalds to get some breakfast. The place seemed quite busy with a few coaches heading for London and as we had quite a bit of beach stuff in the car Zoe and I waited in it while the guys went to get the food, we started talking about them and Zoe said she and Tony didn't officially live together as they both still had rented rooms in separate houses but they spent most nights together at one or the others. She laughed when I described Jon and me as more than fuck-buddies but not committed bf/gf as we had tried that but it didn't work, I jokingly asked her why she and Tony had got back together and was it for the sex and she laughed and said partially, Tony was very gentle and considerate with a nice dick just over 6 inches then she said just like Jon's if I remember right and I said yep and we both laughed....and I'm thinking... hmmmm .... ....Jon had never mentioned that they had fucked.  I mean she wasn't saying that to score points it was just like an observation but I was a bit pissed off that Jon hadn't mentioned it to me but anyway I didn't say anything and when the guys brought the food back all was good. We arrived at the house to collect the stuff and Tony and Zoe went inside to get it, the seller had agreed to show them that the coffee machine was working so they said they would be about 10 minutes which was fine. Jon and I waited in the back of their car so I just casually asked him why he hadn't told me he and Zoe had fucked and he said that they hadn't so I said well how come she knew what his dick was like. He told me that they had gone out together for a few weeks after college broke up and before he went to uni but never fucked.  I guess he could see that I wasn't totally convinced so he explained that when they finished at college there was a party and they both got a bit drunk and ended up walking home together. Things got a bit horny and when they were kissing and cuddling he got inside her panties and fingered her and she got his dick out and wanked him off. After that they met up a few times before he left for uni and on a couple of occasions they had ended up naked in her bed but hadn't actually fucked as she was still a virgin and wanted to stay that way.  So yep I accepted what he said and that he was right when he said that it was nearly 9 years ago and when we had started going out as bf/gf we had never agreed to tell each other the details of everyone we had had any sexual fun with just those we had fucked if we were likely to bump into them when we were together.  Jon was obviously a bit pissed off that I had kinda interrogated him so I said sorry and kissed him, I didn't want this to spoil our day so as we kissed I put my hand on his lap and pressed against his dick which responded ...... Jon said it was okay and then smiled and said he guessed there was no time for a quick wank and I laughed and said nope he would have to wait till we got to the beach.  Just as I said this Zoe and Tony came back and said the coffee machine and rug were good, Tony had heard me telling Jon he would have to wait so he asked what we had planned and Jon smiled and told him, Tony gave Zoe a quick kiss on her cheek and said that sounded a good idea and she just smiled and said maybe.  They had googled the area and there was a stretch of sandy beach and sand dunes not too far away that sounded good. They had brought 3 disposable bbqs and we had picked up sausages, burgers and some booze so all we wanted was somewhere to sunbathe and maybe mess about in the water as the forecast said it was going to be hot.  The place was ideal, by the car park's entrance was a toilet block with an outside shower and a small beach shop that sold ice cream and stuff, we deliberately parked at the other end and walked further away so that we wouldn't be pestered by the kids and families that had started to arrive. We left most of the things in the car boot and just took our swim stuff, sun cream, some beers and a football. After a short walk we found a sand dune where we could still see the car and which wasn't too far from the water's edge, it had just turned 10am and was nice and sunny. Zoe said she wanted to do a bit of sunbathing first before it got too strong and I said yes that made sense. We were all wearing tshirts and shorts, as we were all chatting Zoe and I sat on the sand and quickly changed into our bikinis but the boys just dropped their shorts and boxers and put on swimming shorts and then took off their tshirts and said that they were going to kick the football about once they had put on sun cream.  Jon said if I helped him with his sun cream he would help me and then he laughed and I said yep I bet he would, he lay down on his back next to me and I rubbed the cream into his shoulders and arms, he only has a small amount of body hair mainly from his navel down and he rolled the top of his boxers down so that the start of his trimmed pubic hair was just visible. Tony had given his sun cream to Zoe and laid down next to Jon, he had a little bit of chest hair but nothing else visible and Zoe had quickly creamed his front, she told him to turn over and but he laughed and said what about the promise us girls had made, she looked and me and I nodded and said ok, I guess we both knew there would be no peace if we didn't.  Tony took his shorts completely off, there was just a small patch of pubic hair round the base of his dick which was starting to grow, Zoe quickly stroked it fully hard and yes it was similar to Jon's as she had said. Jon was smiling broadly, he pushed his shorts down past his knees and his dick was already semi-hard before I held it, Zoe looked over and said that after this we girls wanted an ice cream from the shop and then not pestered while we got a tan. Both guys laughed and said ok.  I lay on my side facing Jon and he stroked my hair as I played with his dick, after a couple of minutes he kicked off his shorts and I started to build up a proper rhythm till he sat up a little as his cum spurted onto the sand between his knees, he leaned over, kissed me and said thanks. Tony and Zoe were both kneeling with Zoe to his side,  Tony had one arm round her and I could tell he was also about ready as he pulled her into him, a couple of seconds later he gave a little grunt and his cum shot out. Wanking Jon and also seeing Tony cum had been fun and I was feeling quite horny myself but I didn't want to fuck Jon with so many people on the beach, if it had just been the four of us it would have been different. The boys scooped up the cummy sand and threw it further away and then went to get the ice cream, Zoe said it had been fun and that we could put the sun cream on each other’s backs if the boys had now lost interest haha but being good guys they did offer when they came back but we said it was okay and they could go and kick the ball about if they wanted. Zoe and I chatted as we creamed each other’s back then we lay on our fronts, undid our bikini tops and soaked up the sun. She asked why our relationship hadn't worked out and I said that we could never agree on important long-term decisions so there were lots of arguments but that we were great as friends and when we were both single we added fucking to the things we enjoyed doing together like meals out and going to shows. Zoe laughed and said that sounded like a very good compromise, I asked her why she and Tony had split up the first time and she said it was a bit complicated but they had worked things out and they were happy now but she didn't know if it would be forever.  The guys wandered back and Tony said he would get 4 beers from the cool box and he asked what we were chatting about, Zoe smiled and just said girls stuff.  There was nobody else close by so when we sat up we didn't bother with our bikini tops, neither of the guys said anything but it was obvious that they were looking at and I guess comparing our boobs, mine are slightly bigger but Zoe's seemed perter and her nipples were darker and appeared more pronounced. Jon just said that it was about 11am so the sun would soon be at its hottest and his offer of helping apply the sun cream was still valid.  I looked at Zoe and said how about sunbathing for another 30 minutes then have a little paddle before starting lunch and she agreed. Talking to Zoe and also watching the guys cum earlier had made me feel quite horny so I told Jon ok he could help if he wanted but the plan was for me to be sunbathing in a couple of minutes and nothing else...he didn't reply. He sat at my side facing me and spread sun cream on his fingertips and rubbed it into my face, neck and shoulders, he then cupped each boob in turn and applied probably more then needed amounts of sun cream which made my nipples hard. I looked across and Tony was pretty much doing the same with Zoe except he was sitting close behind her and reaching round. Zoe later told me that he was pressing his hard dick against her back.....  Jon then said that I needed to lay on my back so that he could properly do my tummy and legs to make sure that I would not get burnt....and I am thinking hhmmmm so very conscientious.......... but I just smiled and said ok. He creamed my legs then shuffled a little nearer and rather than putting the cream on his fingers first, he shook the bottle over me and squirted some onto my tummy, it felt quite sexy and looked like thick cum as I am sure he had intended. He gently rubbed the cream in then moved his hand under my bikini pants and rubbed what remained into the sides of my legs that were covered by them. He looked at me and watched my face as his hand moved onto my pubic hair, for a brief moment his fingers touched my clit and rested on my vag. He felt the shiver run through me then smiled, closed the bottle, leant forward, kissed my cheek and said that he would sunbathe as well.  He lay beside me and held my hand which I thought was quite nice as it’s not something we normally do.  I could see that he had a hard-on so I slid my hand inside his shorts and gently squeezed it, I told him that I hoped he was staying over at my place that evening and he laughed and asked if I had read his mind.   The sun was quite hot so after about 20 minutes we put our tshirts back on and walked down to the water's edge. It was not as cold as I had anticipated but I still said that I wasn't going for a swim, Zoe agreed and said we could try it again later this afternoon if we wanted and I said yep. We went back up to the sand dune and the guys cooked the bbq stuff, Zoe and I went over to use the toilets and then took ice-creams back, Tony asked if we had any plans for the afternoon and I said I was happy just sunbathing and relaxing but would go with whatever anyone else wanted and we all agreed to take full advantage of the good weather.    We all kicked the football around and I am sure the guys deliberately aimed so that we would have to run a lot so they could watch our boobs bounce under our tshirts but it was all in fun and we spent the next few hours enjoying the beach.   About 7 o'clock it was starting to clear and Tony suggested that it would make sense to let most of the family traffic leave before we set off and how about getting fish and chips and coming back to the beach. It was still hot and sunny so in the end the guys went by themselves to find a chip shop and Zoe and I sunbathed again but we did fasten our bikini tops just in case boys came round and saw we were alone.  Zoe said she enjoyed the day and we all seemed to get on well and I agreed and said we were very similar. We chatted about guys and I said my plans were to fuck Jon once we got back to my place and she said yep she had thought that highly likely and we both laughed, I told her that a few days ago Jon had shown me a porn clip on his phone of a guy getting a handjob from his gf and cumming on her tummy while they were standing in the sea and he had said that was so horny and I was wondering about doing that this evening as it was now quite quiet. Zoe said what a great end to the evening but we wouldn't say anything and I laughed and said yep. They came back a few minutes later with the fish and chips and another pack of cold beer, after we had eaten and packed stuff away I said I was going to go for a final paddle and Zoe said yes she would join me. It was still very warm and we had kept our swim wear on, Jon and Tony came with us and the water seemed warmer than earlier which I guess is correct as the sun had been heating it all day. The beach shelves very gently and even tho we walked out a fair way the water was still just up to our knees. The sun was quite low and making the water glisten on the horizon and all in all it was very peaceful .......almost romantic Jon said and laughed. He is a good guy and I cuddled into him and said how nice the day had been, Zoe and Tony were right beside us,  I said that maybe we should be setting off now so they would not be too late home and Zoe immediately said yep time to go. Jon said ok and kissed me, I smiled and said or we could stay a little longer and moved to face him.  My hand was quickly inside his shorts and he realized what I meant especially as Zoe had already pushed down the top of Tony's shorts and was stroking his dick. They shuffled to our side so we could all see what the others were doing.  Jon kissed me then pulled down his shorts at the front just enough to free his dick, he put both his hands on my shoulders and leaned into me as I wanked him off. I knew him well enough to gauge his reactions and very soon he pushed into my hand as his cum spurted onto my tummy and bikini pants. I think that Zoe and Tony had deliberately waited to see Jon cum first as Zoe said something like "now us" and built up a faster rhythm as we watched him cum on her.  Jon was still leaning on me and panting, his dick was slowly softening and he had a broad grin on his face, he looked at my tummy and then glanced across to Zoe's and just said Wow thanks. Using my fingers I brushed Jon's cum into the sea then rinsed my hand as we went back to the sand dune. The beach was now practically deserted, another two couples were about 250 metres away and a family were walking up to one of the few cars left in the car park.  Jon said that I had caught the sun most on the back of my neck and legs where the tshirt had not covered and that it would make sense to use some after-sun cream to prevent it getting sore and I said yep we had brought a new bottle so might as well use it. Zoe said could she borrow some for her arms and I said yep of course but neither of the boys wanted too. Jon said he would cream my neck and once he had done that I took my bikini top off and just put on my tshirt, we were not planning to go to a pub or anywhere and so I didn't bother with my bra or the smarter clothes we had brought. Wanking him off had made me horny, Jon asked if I wanted him to cream my legs and I smiled. The bikini pants were not particularly comfortable for sitting in and were also a bit sandy so I asked him to wait a second while I took them off and used them to lightly brush between my legs to dislodge any sand that might be there. Jon watched closely, once I had finished I held my tshirt away and he squirted some cream on the top of both legs then used his fingers to gently rub it in right to the edge of my pubic hair.  We didn't actually say anything but when he had finished we hugged for a few seconds and he slid two fingers deep inside me, almost like the first time in a relationship where you don't ask but both want it to happen and it does.   Tony had got his stuff together and asked was everyone ok to go, I had put my panties on and said I was just letting the cream sink in before I put my shorts on and he said ok but if I wanted I could just put a towel on the car seat and travel like that, Jon immediately said yep that was a good idea and I laughed.  As we walked to the car we saw the 2 guys from the other group putting up a tent  on the beach near the dunes, Tony stopped to chat and they said that it was something they often did and that the council didn't object as long as the tent was put up late and taken down before the beach got busy. Zoe looked at us and said that was a great idea and we would have to do that sometime and I said yes count us in.  There was not much traffic, it was still warm and not yet really dark, we called at the same McDonalds and used the drive-thru to get burgers and ice cream Mcflurrys, we tried eating as we drove along but had to pull into a layby as the ice-creams were melting. Jon's had dripped onto his chest and tummy so once I had finished I told him to lean over and I would clean him up but instead he moved into the middle seat , Zoe had some wet-wipes...she was so organized.......and passed me one as we set off again. Jon cuddled into me, kissed my cheek and said thanks.  When we were about 10 minutes away I asked him whether he would prefer us to stay at his place or mine, he didn't mind but as he had his own en-suite shower room we agreed on his. He asked if my legs felt sunburnt, I said they were now fine and I would put my shorts on before going into his place. He asked Zoe and Tony if they wanted to go in for a coffee but they said no thanks as they still had another hour or so to cross London to get back to Tony's.   Jon said that I didn't have to bother with my shorts if I didn't want to as everyone knew we had been to the beach and the house was probably empty anyway and I said ok. His left arm was round me and I was leaning on his shoulder, he turned slightly sideways and briefly rested his hand on my panties before moving them aside. I said nothing but kissed his cheek, for the next few minutes his fingers were just gently resting there and brushing my clit, I'm not sure whether Zoe and Tony guessed but it didn't really matter...it just felt so nice........ As usual his street was full of parked cars and Tony had to double park to let us out, Jon was still in his beach shorts and the bulge at the front was pretty obvious, Zoe looked at and just said to enjoy ourselves and laughed. It had been a brilliant day together, Tony gave me a hug and said again that next time we could take their tent and stay overnight if we wanted and Jon and I both said yes.  Once we got into his room all thoughts of having a shower first vanished, I was so horny and the whole day had been a kind of foreplay. Between us we were only wearing three items of clothing, I sat on his bed and pushed his shorts down as he pulled my tshirt over my head. His dick was bobbing right in front of me and I sucked it for a couple of seconds till he took my pants off, swung my legs onto the bed, pushed one of his pillows under my bum and licked my vag......he was good...I was ready.....I came practically straight away.  He eased himself up my body kissing my boobs and then my forehead, his dick felt good inside me and we fucked slowly at first, I wrapped my legs round him as a kind of signal to cum like that and soon I felt his whole body pulse, he grunted and then relaxed.  He moved to my side, I held his softening dick and we both lay there tired and sweaty but happy, why can't we be this good together every day he asked, I looked at him and said we had tried and it didn't work so let’s just enjoy what we do have and he said yep and kissed my cheek.

The next thing I remember was looking at the clock and it was just before 7am, I wasn't at work till lunchtime but Jon needed to leave in 20 minutes or so and I could hear the shower. I really needed to pee, this had never been a problem when we lived together so I opened the door and he beckoned me in, he switched the shower off for a second and said he was nearly done then continued as he watched me.  I went back and lay on the bed and in a couple of minutes he came in toweling himself dry and I could clearly see the tan he had got yesterday and I told him he scrubbed up well. He laughed and said I was ok too.  He was still naked and said he would make some coffee and I could help myself to any breakfast stuff I could find in his cupboard in the shared kitchen downstairs, I said just a coffee would be fine but could I use his toothbrush....I know he kinda hates this but he smiled and said yep.  Hmmm...when this guy is nice he is so fkn nice!  He has a kettle and small fridge in his bedroom, as he brought the coffee over I swung my legs round and sat on the edge of the bed ready to take it, his dick was neither fully hard nor soft and moved from side to side as he walked towards me.  I couldn't resist the temptation.....the thought flashed into my head that he had maybe planned this......instead of taking my coffee I kissed his dick and as it hardened took it into my mouth. It wasn't romantic, just horny fun and more of a hj into my mouth than a bj but we both enjoyed it and it was a sexy way to end the trip and start a new day back at work. 



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